Pillars of Health


Evidence shows that a whole food plant-based diet is the most beneficial way to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease.

Sleep and Rest

Regular rest and quality sleep helps the body repair damage, replenish its vitality, and integrate new experiences and information.


Any kind of movement done regularly that stretches, strengthens, and challenges the physical tissues of the body can support longevity.


Routine practices that tend to cleanliness and organization are sources of stability as well as prevention against decay and disorder.

Harm Reduction

While it is impossible to avoid all harm, the body, mind, and spirit benefit from minimizing toxicities.

Connection to Nature

Situating ourselves in resonance with natural forces creates a sense of belonging that satisfies deep human needs.


Recognition that our own experience is inextricably tied to other organisms, people, culture, memories, etc. can offer perspective for growth and change.

Stewardship and Service

Our own health and that of future generations is dependent on the well-being of our planet and our communities.