Integrative & Regenerative
Lifestyle Medicine

Whole Health Advocacy

Love Your Lifestyle

Join Emily starting July 8th, 2024 for a Lifestyle Refresh at One Health.

Emily’s passion is to support nourishing decisions by integrating the most up to date scientific and clinical knowledge with traditional and intuitive practices. She works in-office with Rachel Reich, L.Ac. and LMT to create holistic programs for their clients. 

Whether it’s budgeting time, choosing foods or cosmetics, or figuring out how to approach a new idea - any decision can be an opportunity to strengthen inner knowing.

Her focus is to implement holistic strategies  to support metabolism, hormones and gynecological issues, menopause and perimenopause, pregnancy, postpartum, menstrual and sexual health, and healthy families. 

Accountability & Anticipation

  • Centralize

    Thorough assessment of all medical information including lab results, imaging, pathology reports, endoscopic evaluations, and more

  • Analyze

    Identify trends and patterns in the medical data and correlate with subjective feelings and intuitive impressions

  • Reflect

    Refine the health vision and values into focus and tailor a strategy to meet goals and needs

  • Implement

    Choose areas of focus to make changes or observe more carefully between sessions

Holistic Strategy

Get ready for some of the most in-depth conversations that you’ve ever had with a doctor - all of the details are relevant and important. Every conversation leads to a concrete plan, accountability, and ongoing support. Optimizing health becomes a way of life that is empowering and inspiring.

If you’re ready to starting working together, contact Emily for a complimentary 15min informational consultation.

  • The most up to date understanding of health research, medical diagnoses, treatment, and technology

  • Deepen into ancient wisdom and learn to cultivate peace in body and mind

  • Unravel stories to find patterns, understand symbols, and make new meaning

  • Working at the subtle level to stimulate insights and shifts.

Techniques and Tools

“Dr Emily is an incredible listener and skillfully knows how to zoom out to link my aliments together. It’s been an immense relief to work with a practitioner who will facilitate healing for all aspects of my health.”

— Lifestyle Intensive